Thursday, January 15, 2009

career change

It's not so much that I don't want to be a's more that I know it's hard to make a living in this occupation. I have left the photography course at college, and plan to attend Environmental Science. It's completely different, but it's something I am interested in.

Anyways, today was a super good day. Chill around, sent out some mail, and also went skating with some good friends. Even though there is a lot of snow on the ground, we still went to the nearby parking garage and shredded flat, and a super long manny pad that is waxed to shit. After about an hour or so of this. We went to my favourite restaurant in London, "Prince Albert's". It's so good, and they know my order. Chick Souvlaki.  So good. Anyways, that place is always number one to end a session with. After this, came home, had a few drinks, got a bit loose, and hung out playing Skate on the xbox.

I'll be coming home this weekend, and am looking forward to it, yet not looking forward to it in the same way. We will see how it goes...

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