Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Killing Time

Ankle is still swollen, and I am still unable to skate. One month so far. I'm hoping it won't take anymore then 2 to step back on my board. In The mean time, enjoy this shot of PJ.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Gap In Town

This spot doesn't fuck around. Runway is long and smooth, as well as down hill, but the take off also is down hill making it harder to pop. The landing is rough and choppy. Bust factor isn't too bad. The one owner allowed us to skate for another 45 minutes since we weren't causing too much harm. James took some gnarly slams over it today, and you get a glimpse of what you will be walking away from if you skate this gap. This is if you are lucky...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Ledge

As some of you may know, the boys from Antigravity Skateshop built a ledge in a hidden area. Only 1 so far, maybe a few more to come in teh near future. Anyways, today was our first day really filming on it. I was lucky enough to tag along on a bum ankle and shoot some snaps. 9AM sessions aren't my thing, but these kids now-a-days....skating runs their schedule.

Korten Waking Up

Trevor Checkin His Angles

James Korten - Front Crook

Trev gettin buck with a Switch Front Noseslide Fakie BS Big Spin Out

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Family coming over is always fun. We play Cribbage, and drink. LOTS! Anyways, one time I decided to pull out my camera and have some fun with them. They know I shoot photos, and at first they are always uncomfortable with it, but then get used to the fact I'm not going to stop. This particular night was also the first time any of them had seen a medium format camera. They were simply amazed by the fact that it was so big...and not digital. After a while, they started relaxing, and didn't even realize I was there.

Friday, August 7, 2009

old fashioned

I am starting to like black and white images more and more. As much as I may rip on some photographers (Not mentioning any names) that use black and white for every single shot, it is starting to grow on me. I will start posting some colour to black and white conversion photos from time to time. This is one from early in the spring I believe. We will start it with Colin Findlater. Back Lip. Old Fashioned!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ah bloody hell!

My ankle isn't healing properly. Great. Anyways, out of boredom, I rummaged through some old negatives, and came across this shot of Trevor, as well as a classic Mongeri shot that the world has yet to see. Thought I would share it with you.