Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Don't worry, I'm still alive....

Yes, I know updates are lackin hard! Shooting has been very limited since the weather has turned to shit. In the meantime, AGK his coming out with a new video and the trailer has just been released for public viewing. Take a gander!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


We have a new spot in Niagara Falls. It is actually quite fun if you are down to skate a flat bar. It's under a roof, and fairly unexposed to weather. So far bust factor is quite low, but since it is at a new hotel, this will soon turn into a 1st try Friday deal. Anyways, Dyllan, Chris, Cory, and myself went to the spot. Cory skated, Dyllan filmed, Chris watched, and I took the snaps. It was quite a fun night. Here is a shot of Cory doin a front board at the pretty much virgin spot.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sneak Preview

The past few days I have been going to the shop to photograph their new clothing line, Antigravity Apparel. So far there are hoodies, t-shirts, and long sleeves. Check their website for more information by clicking HERE

Here is just a quick sample of what you will see from Antigravity Apparel.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


The end of the season is upon us here in Canada. When sun and warm weather turns into grey skies, rain (then eventually snow) and 5PM sunsets. The time when skateboarders bunker down in the security of underground parking lots to perfect their flatland. If you are lucky enough to find an underground where you don't get kicked out, you might just be able to enjoy a flat bar. In the meantime, let's just remember the good times from summer. A ledge was built, skated, skated some more, and then abandoned. We will return to it when the snow has left us for more hospitable conditions. Here is Trev pullin a Fakie Back Tail, FS 270 out. That's a mouth full!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Keep an Eye Open

Unfortunately, these kinds of things happen to good people, which sucks. Anyways. Owen Woytowich, professional photographer, recently had all of his camera gear stolen. I want everyone to please click the link below, and see what was stolen. If you have any info, please let me know so I can forward it to Owen.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Workin Dubs

Well, I was thinking of holding this photo, but then I realized that I am a photographer. What kind of magazine would run a photo with a caption that reads "Steve Pritula - Ollie / Photo: Pritula"? I didn't actually shoot the picture. My good friend Dave Hnatiuk shot it for me after I set everything up for it. This spot is pretty big, but the run way is perfect. Now, the landing is another story. If you can't already tell from the shot, the landing is rough as fuck. There was also a lovely crack which I had to continually land on. Every time I would commit to it, I would land, and just be tossed like a rag doll from going full tilt. This is one spot I don't really want to go back to, unless I am photographing it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back Home

I am now back home from London. The trip was a blast despite the rain and humidity keeping things a bit wet. The trip was well worth it with some gnarly tricks going down, and gnarlier slams being captured. My hands and back have now been shredded to bits. (check the facebook shot for that one!) Other then that, everything went perfectly.

AJ broke his board doing the most insane trick off the Bandshell I have ever seen. He ended up getting it with my board. You are going to have to wait for Jordan's video "Kbye" to come out to scope the footy.

Thanks to Jordan for filming my body get used and abused.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

London Bound

I am off to London for a few days. Gunna be fun to see all the guys again! I might be able to update this things once, but no promises. Peace out NF! M.Y.A.B.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Foolin Around

Who says playgrounds are for little kids? Right beside the Niagara Skatepark is a small splash pad filled with pole jams, and little things here and there to skate. This one is of PJ doing a stock Pole Jam on one of the many obstacles to skate. By the way, That little circular frog thing, is only about 5 feet high. Crouching is a must when going through it, unless you want to get knocked out by a steel frog.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Consistently Inconsistent

A few days ago, Trevor, Dennis, and myself went to the ledge spot to get a couple tricks. Trev had a few things in mind, and had Dennis with us to film. Trev did his usual warm-ups, and got right to business. He just didn't plan on business being this tough. He was going for the bigspin out, but for some reason, his body and board wouldn't listen. These 4 shots were back to back to back to back. Let's just say Trev was getting some SERIOUS filler footy!

Attempt 1 plus

Attempt 2 plus

Attempt 3 plus

Attempt 4 equals


Friday, September 11, 2009

New Gap In Town Con't.

I've been holding onto this shot for a bit, but it never got ran, so I am able to put it up on here. Trevor had to go back 4 times to get this switch ollie properly. Each time we went, he would land it and slip out each time, and eventually would get kicked out. Finally the last time we went, he got one that was DAMN proper. You will see the clip when the new AGK video comes out. To keep updated with what AGK is doing, click HERE

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bobby is Back!

Bobby has been comin by the shop fairly often. Trevor and I both got some new tattoos since Bobby is our resident tattoo artist. It's definitely good to see him back on a board. Here he is on day 2, gettin his front noseslides back...second try son! Gotta heart the cell phone shots!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Killing Time

Ankle is still swollen, and I am still unable to skate. One month so far. I'm hoping it won't take anymore then 2 to step back on my board. In The mean time, enjoy this shot of PJ.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Gap In Town

This spot doesn't fuck around. Runway is long and smooth, as well as down hill, but the take off also is down hill making it harder to pop. The landing is rough and choppy. Bust factor isn't too bad. The one owner allowed us to skate for another 45 minutes since we weren't causing too much harm. James took some gnarly slams over it today, and you get a glimpse of what you will be walking away from if you skate this gap. This is if you are lucky...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Ledge

As some of you may know, the boys from Antigravity Skateshop built a ledge in a hidden area. Only 1 so far, maybe a few more to come in teh near future. Anyways, today was our first day really filming on it. I was lucky enough to tag along on a bum ankle and shoot some snaps. 9AM sessions aren't my thing, but these kids now-a-days....skating runs their schedule.

Korten Waking Up

Trevor Checkin His Angles

James Korten - Front Crook

Trev gettin buck with a Switch Front Noseslide Fakie BS Big Spin Out

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Family coming over is always fun. We play Cribbage, and drink. LOTS! Anyways, one time I decided to pull out my camera and have some fun with them. They know I shoot photos, and at first they are always uncomfortable with it, but then get used to the fact I'm not going to stop. This particular night was also the first time any of them had seen a medium format camera. They were simply amazed by the fact that it was so big...and not digital. After a while, they started relaxing, and didn't even realize I was there.

Friday, August 7, 2009

old fashioned

I am starting to like black and white images more and more. As much as I may rip on some photographers (Not mentioning any names) that use black and white for every single shot, it is starting to grow on me. I will start posting some colour to black and white conversion photos from time to time. This is one from early in the spring I believe. We will start it with Colin Findlater. Back Lip. Old Fashioned!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ah bloody hell!

My ankle isn't healing properly. Great. Anyways, out of boredom, I rummaged through some old negatives, and came across this shot of Trevor, as well as a classic Mongeri shot that the world has yet to see. Thought I would share it with you.

Friday, July 31, 2009

coming along nicely

It looks a lot worse then it feels. I have been on my feet non-stop for the past few days. It does bug me since the pressure is pretty bad, but it is somewhat bearable within reason. Nothing an ibuprofen can't handle somewhat. Anyways, I hope for everything to be back to it's original colour in a week or so. I'm praying that the ankle is back to 100% in a month or so. Thanks to everyone who I grossed out, or simply put into shock by showing them that a foot can actually look like the way mine does.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Fone Fotos

Reserved for who?

Trev hard at work

Break meal...

Weather as of late

This thing just made me laugh hysterically. A beat up, old truck, with random shit in the back. Oh, and who would have guessed where they were from...

At first, the nurses, and I thought it was broken. The swelling is pretty gnar. Luckily, nothing is broken. Just an "extremely severe" sprain and hyper extension according to the doctor.


It's been a while since I have been able to update my blog. Sorry! No wireless internet to steal, and no wireless router to make my internet wireless! Too much techie talk. Anyways...the joys of working 2 jobs, and one of those jobs being midnight shifts has left me no time to shoot many photos as of late. Kind of a bring down. My schedule consists of: 1. Wake up at 3PM. 2. Shower, eat a bowl of mini-wheats and ingest pills the size of your thumb by 4PM. 3. Drive to work through tourist traffic to be at work for 5. 4. Finish work at 10:30PM, then rush through more rush hour tourist traffic to make it to my second job for 11:00PM. 5. Work till 7, 8AM then go home to sleep. 6. REPEAT. The joys of life.

So, in some of the moments that I had some free time, I went to the park, and shot some photos on the rock beside the park with PJ. Here is a blunt fakie that is a lot harder then it looks.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Loss of a True Soldier

On a cool morning of July. The skateboard community took a heavy loss. It may not have been a professional skateboarder, nor some local up & comer. It was a great man who looked at skateboarding in a different way. Anthony Nedea (Co-Owner of Antigravity Skateshop) was a man of many, MANY words. Sometimes it was hard just to shut him up. But everything he would say, was either a great piece of knowledge, something that brought a laugh and smile to all who heard, or something so rediculous that you had to argue about it with him. Good luck winning that argument, Anthony would go for days about something. He was always so sure of himself, and it showed very well.

Anthony always walked tall, and insured that he was noticed. Everyone knows who he is, and everyone will never forget who he was. A man of rough beginnings, to someone who was living the "Canadian" dream. Owning his own business with help of his son Trevor, and loved one Mei.

Antigravity will always be my second home, and with the loss of Anthony, I feel that his memory will live on forever within the walls of the shop. Everytime something falls, or creeks, I know that will be Anthony watching over us.

Farewell my friend. I will miss you with all of my heart. When I arrive at those golden gates, I'll make sure to have the 6 pack ready.

Anthony Nedea | 11/22/1957 - 7/4/2009 | Rest in Peace

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A little bit of London

I had a few days off, which allowed me to go back to London for a short trip. It was definitely worth it. Plus, I had to pack up some things from my house when I was in school. Anyways, Colin, Tim, Dave H, Dave A, Jordan, and myself all squeezed into my car and hit up Western U. Nice 10 set indoors, and a nice 8 set outdoors. We sessioned the 8 set for a while, and got some decent footage! Then decided to go in to try the 10 where some crazy-ass shit went down! Not sayin anything though! You're just going to have to wait on Jordan's video, which I have no idea when it will be released.

Here are some shots from the day...

...brand new...



Colin did a perfect Backside Bigspin down the 8

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Back in the game!

It's been a month of sprained ankles, broken cameras, and nothing but working 2 jobs full time. Not one day off this month from so much work!

Anyways, the future is lookin' bright. Nikon finally sent my camera back to me in working condition! It also made it a great day since I got my full G driver's license. The day got better as I got off work early, and was able to go skate on my freshly healed, tender ankle, and go shoot some pics with some friends.

This is Simon. Damn funny kid!. Wallride Nollie out.

Friday, May 22, 2009


camera is fucked. sending it to Nikon for repairs. Won't have any digi shots for a bit. Need to buy film for Bronica. Don't expect any posts for a little while. I'm also working on getting an actual website started, so A lot of work is going into that. In the meantime, head over to AG's website by CLICKING HERE

Saturday, May 16, 2009


College Daze

On one of the final days of school where many students are packing up, and moving out, they throw out some fun things that can be made skateable. Here is Dave and AJ creating something out of nothing. As Ricky once quoted, "one man's garbage is another ones ungarbage."

Saturday, April 18, 2009

You Decide

This evening, Dave got 3 different angles of his kickflip on the bridge bank. I wasn't too sure which one I liked more, but I chose the far angle on the opposite side of the bridge. Now you guys get to see the angles that I shot his kickflip on. You can decide which one you like more.