Saturday, June 28, 2008

Which one, which one

Recently, a few of the guys got together and had a nice generator session at some simple set. Laid down some bondo to fix the crack right before the set, then while it settled we got warmed up, and set up the lights. Started skating, almost got kicked out, but Trevor and I are very sneaky when it comes to getting the boot. Anyways, I got the tricks I wanted to land somewhat quickly, so I decided to shoot some pics. There were a bunch of photos taken, and I was easily able to choose which ones I would post. (not on here though) Just these 2 shots of Trevor Nedea doin a switch kickflip down the set. I shot it in 2 different ways, a long exposure to get the ghost trails, and the stock frozen shot. I am not too sure which one to choose, so I will just show both of them,

You can decide...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Go Skate Day

Yup, it's coming up! I am very excited for this year to see what gnarly tricks will be thrown down. I will be photographing the event that is hosted by AG. Unfortunately, since I have a full time job, I will be working that day. I will be off at 4:30, so this way by the time I get to the spot, everyone should be warmed up, and ready to shred hard. This way I can get right to shooting pics. I hope everyone can make it out this year. Also I hope the weather co-operates since we have been getting nothing but rain and thunderstorms the past 2 weeks. Let's just hope that everything will go over without a hitch....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

so sick of the skatepark

I am really getting sick of skating the park. I always wanna go street skating, but the kids always prefer to go to the park.  can understand because all the spots in Niagara Falls suck, and any spots that are decent are filled with tourists at this time, so they are unskatable. The park is a good refuge for times where you can't think of any spots to skate. The thing is, this is why they created bondo, bolt cutters, and sawz-alls. TO FIX SPOTS that aren't skatable. This was the last photo I took at the skatepark. Hopefully it will stay that way for the rest of the summer.

Friday, June 6, 2008


This was after 3 hours of skating in super insanely, freakish, humid heat. Steve was doing the bs flip over the gold bar at the park. His last attempt was right before this pic was taken. Sunburns, and slamming on your back when it's dirty is not fun

Sunday, June 1, 2008

slow down

sorry, I have been insanely busy the past 2 weeks. First the Austin, Texas trip, and then the second i get in the door, I wash my clothes that I wore in Texas, put them back into the duffle bag, and I went up north for a few days with the guys. We call it a "fishing trip" but it is more of a drink, and get stoned trip...considering I am the only one who goes fishing, with the occasional time my brother will go out. So anyways, just to ensure I haven't fallen off the face of the planet, I felt it would be good if I alerted the media on my where-abouts.

Here's a shot of Lorne doing a kickflip on this bank that is kinda fun to skate. He has done fakie FS flips on it, as well as tre flips, but the wind this day was ended up knocking one of my flashes over (no harm done).