Sunday, January 16, 2011

KBYE Extra...

Jordan has recently released his feature film "KBYE" to the public. SBC has asked me for some photos from skaters in the video and I sent them only 2 shots. I was digging through my hard drive for my friend Andrew Jones (who had a part in the video) since he wanted a photo. I realized then that I forgot to send this one to them, and not only that, but had been saving the shot for sometime without anyone seeing it, except close friends when I had my laptop on me.

So this one is for Andrew "Danger" Jones. He worked hard for this and deserves a lot of credit for pulling this. It, to me, was a gnarliest thing I have seen in person go down at Vic Park.

Nollie Heel FS Tail Slide to FS Bigspin out. Well done, AJ.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Winter = Barn

We received another wallop of winter weather here in Niagara Falls. Close to a foot of snow. Basically making skating outdoors impossible unless you are the warmest person on earth. Now, that being said, we went back to the barn for a fun session, which turned into quite a gnarly one. I didn't shot as many photos as I would have liked to, but I did get some of the crazyness going down.

Simon with a wall ride that's much more difficult then it looks. It only took him a few tries.

This kickflip was unexpected, but Cory tried it, got close, then pulled 2 more back to back!

Monday, January 10, 2011

KBYE Online!

Jordan Guzyk, good homie, great filmer, worked on this project for at least 2 years, and does it ever show. A great piece of work that you can set your eyes on for the next 40 minutes. It has some gnarly tricks from Byron Ready, Dave Hnatiuk, Colin Findlater, Tim Bobnis, and a whole host of other dudes who rip. Great work Jordan, You've really outdone yourself.