Saturday, December 29, 2007

Photo of the Week

This weeks photo goes to AGK rider, and good friend of mine, Rob Winstanley. This shot was my first time using my Bronica SQ-A medium format camera. Rob's Backside Flip was thrown down the Battlefield 7 set. This set is fucked, with the runway, right before the set, it dips down, and causes you to go off balance. The landing, is uphill, with a million pebbles from the nearby playground. This is actually one of my favorite shots, it made it into my portfolio for my application to college. Congrats Rob on this weeks "Photo of the Week"

Friday, December 28, 2007

Updates Yo!

Hey everyone, go check out the skateshop's website at for the latest in team updates, clips from our upcoming video "Butter on my Bread", and a whole lot more you obviously don't know about! So go swing over there and get your brain informed on what's goin down.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

Well, another Christmas has past us, and I don't know about everyone else, but mine was excellent! Tons of good food, seein a bunch of my relatives including my little nephew Cameron, who is now walking, and who could forget the slamming back of some form of alchohol. Yes, t'was good times had by all. I lost a few bucks gambling at my sister-in-law's house with my brother, cousin, and some good friends, but it was worth it. For Christmas I got a $50 gift card for Canadian Tire, so I can buy my rubber floor mats (Finally!) a $50 bonus towards my mutual funds that my grandparents have set up for myself and my other brothers, and of course, the big gift of the year that I got was an Armour All Complete Car Kit. It has all these cool things inside to clean every part of my car. Stoked!!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Photo of the Week

This weeks photo is of my good chum Dyllan Nykyforak pullin a large front 180 over the St. Catherines park rail. Now, Dyllan's front ones are dialed, and he can take em over anything. With this photo, Dyllan didn't even want to skate the handrail or the stairs, luckily Ginger started skating the rail, and got Dyllan pumped up...Dyllan pulled this in about 5 tried, easy come, easy go...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Antigravity Holiday Party at Hooters

A lot of people showed up to the AG Xmas party at Hooters, and it was a great time with all you can eat chicken wings, pitchers of beer were being slammed back, and some shnanagains did eventually happen, but what do you expect from a bunch of kids with beer, chicken wings, and nothing to worry about. Some prizes were given out, and congratulations to everyone who won something. Here are a bunch of photo from the party, enjoy!

Saturday, December 15, 2007


As we all know, this weekend is going to be a bad one in the eyes of a skateboarder. A large system packing a strong punch of 40cm or more of snow to the area. So far the system has just begun around the Niagara area, and will increase in strength throughout Saturday night, and will last throughout Sunday. This storm is sure to end skating for a bit, unless you have a large basement, garage, or know of any UGPs that you won't get kicked out of. Congratulations AGK rider Matt Bujok, your snow is finally here. I'm waiting on your funbox/rail set-up in your backyard to start the snowboard season for the fun night sessions. While the snow is on the ground, this is a great time to check out Antigravity Skateshop's website to keep the masses informed on any updates with the team, and for sneak peaks to our up-coming video "Butter on my Bread".

Friday, December 14, 2007

Photo of the Week

I chose this photo of Trevor doing a front crook, because I shot it out of focus. I just thought it would be different and maybe even artsy. I'm not the artistc type, but I think it's a great shot. It was taken in Shawn's basement the same night as last weeks "Photo of the Week". Here's to the basement sessions that everyone will soon be having with winter nearly in full force here in Ontario. Congrats Trev on the Photo of the Week.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Antigravity Skate Shop Website

Hey everyone, I just wanted to say that my homies skateshop, Antigravity, has a new website, and it's up and running strong. Go check it out to look at product, and see the product of the day. There are clips from our up coming video "Butter on my Bread" and a whole lot more. So go check that shit out!

Click here to see the website fools!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Injury Update

Well, I'm glad to say I am back on my board. Of course, I'm not doin' Nollie Flips down any sets yet, but I'm working on it, give me time. Just lately I have been doing small sessions in my garage since the snow is making the ground wet. All I'm basically doing is nollie heels, nollie flips, switch heels, and tre flips once in a while...for some unknown odd reason, those are basically the only tricks that don't hurt my knee, or my calve to do so. So that's my workout basically to get my leg back up to where it was, simple 10 minute sessions in my garage, perfecting the tricks that don't hurt my knee to do. I'm hoping by the end of December to be at about 90% recovery, basically meaning that it doesn't hurt anymore to skate, but I should still allow time for the leg to finish healing.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Photo of the Week

Shawn Smith - Kickflip Back-Tail

This photo was taken from my most recent shoot with some friends in Shawn's Basement. Snow was on the ground (and still is...) from a recent blast of winter in the city. Since there weren't many things to do, and I was still walking around on a jacked knee, I decided to come, and for fun, just snap some pictures. It was a fun session, and even though it was only on a 9 inch high metal box that was found in an underground parking lot, we still had a good time. There were a bunch of photos from this session, I just felt that this one was Shawn's best trick. Since it was Shawn's basement, he gets the Photo of the Week.