Friday, January 30, 2009

sorry for the delay

Yes, I know I slacked HUGE on the daily update, but here is some good news. The next few days will back packed full of photos from some recent work I have done. So suck it!

If you trust want an update, this week, I did some job hunting, and went grocery shopping. The other day, I photographed a internet talk show called "Moc Talk". Check it out, it's pretty sick with live performances and whatnot. Today I went and photographed a few of the Dialogue Headwear guys at the McMaster snowboarding Jib Jam. Dialogue's very own Yuri Tereshyn took home first place respectively.

Here is a shot from one of the many gap to tricks that Yuri pulled on the kinked rail. This would be a "Shifty to front board" according to Yuri.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I hate UPS

Just because I am home, and they choose not to knock on my door, doesn't mean I should have to wait an extra 5 days to get my radio slaves for my flashes. I have been waiting on this for a while now, but it hasn't shown up yet. Luckily I didn't have to shoot anything this weekend, so that was a blessing. 

I need a job, can anyone hook a brotha up?

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Not much went down, chilled at the shop, bought some shoes, a hat, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. I'm pretty hyped on the hoodie since I needed a new one for a long time. Anyways, I ate the biggest meal I have ever bought from Wendy's. Double cheeseburger meal, with 3 chicken snack wraps. I'm a slob. Anyways, with that meal actually filling me up, I had the rest of the day to play some online poker where I won a few thousand bucks. I want to play for real money. 

After the shop closed, Trev and I headed out to the mushroom for a few brews and some chicken fingers. We were watching the winter X-games where this nut on a snowmobile almost landed a double backflip. I was screaming in the bar of how insane it was. I'm not too sure many people cared. Oh well. 

I hate UPS....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ah, daily updates are harder then I thought...

Yes, ok, I know I am slacking big time on the daily blog entries. It's been kind of slow really. All week I sat around my house, and at night would go skate, come home, then pound a few brews back with some friends. 

Some good news that has come around though is that a good friend from London of mine, Dave Ayres, is now on the team at Antigravity. CONGRATS DUDE! The kid has the best frontside flips that I know of, he destroys mini-ramps, and most definitely has a sick bag of odd, and fun tricks. Feelin the fakie half-cab double casper flips buddy! He will make a great addition to the team. Head over to Antigravity's website by clicking here to see his "inauguration" as they call it. 

I am home for the weekend, picking up another order of pocket wizard radio slaves, along with another flash hopefully by the end of next weekend. 

I miss summer....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

almost sloth like...

Man, today went so bloody slow! Woke up, watched some Kenny vs. Spenny, got my breakfast and shower on. Had to hit up the grocery store for Trevor since he is stayin at my house for a few days. Also went to Harvey's for the first time since the break, which was 2 weeks ago. Best burger I have ever had from there. Anyways, came home, and played some serious online poker where Trev lost over $25, fake money. I played some tournaments and lost, but later went into a high stakes table and won it all back and then-some. Now we are just finishing up the day by watching the Vancouver and San Jose game. So far it's a good, yet slow game. 

A quick little thing to keep you on your toes is that some good things may be coming up in the future. I'll let you know when to look for it, if it comes out.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Young Stunna

This past weekend, a good friend of mine came down. Matt Bujok brought down his friend, Brad Hesson. The kid is 15 and rips. The above shot is Brad warming up on the Fireman's Park rail. He did it like nothing. It was a great session. It went on the whole day from noon till close to 11:00 PM. It started at Fireman's then moved it's way to Stamford High School.  The crushed everything the whole day. I am saving the majority of the shots, so you guys will have to wait to see the good ones. 

Saturday, January 17, 2009

missed a bad...

Sorry aboutt he other day. If you truly want to know what I did. I drove home, talked to my Mom, then went to my buddy Trevor Nedea's Skateshop. Here is the website for it. Click Here. After chillin at the shop, we went to his house, played some online poker, where I got crushed since the wireless connection was garbage. We ended up going to the bar, having a drink, and some wings. They were actually really good. Not to mention helping Sasa out with his iPod mess.

Anyways, today, was once again, a simple day. I did however, buy a new camera bag for my film gear. I have 2 bags full of camera gear and couldn't be happier. Anyways, went to my buddy's skateshop again, chilled out and played some SKATE. Once that was over with, went to Trev's house where I watched "Borat" for the first time. Yes, I know it has been out for a substantially long time. I found it fairly funny, with a few thoughts of how he didn't get shot on MLK drive. Once the movie was over, our friend Matt Bujok came int eh door with his homie. I'm sorry, I forgot his name! Anyways, we went around the city scoping out spots to snowboard. We decided not to hit anything tonight since it was too snowy and that both my gear, and Trevor's gear would get messed up from the amount of snow. So we just sort of made plans for tomorrow to hit up a rather gnarly rail, which I may have photos for.

I might want to save them to see if any of Matt's sponsors may want them.

Check back tomorrow, or on Monday for another update on tomorrows session

Thursday, January 15, 2009

career change

It's not so much that I don't want to be a's more that I know it's hard to make a living in this occupation. I have left the photography course at college, and plan to attend Environmental Science. It's completely different, but it's something I am interested in.

Anyways, today was a super good day. Chill around, sent out some mail, and also went skating with some good friends. Even though there is a lot of snow on the ground, we still went to the nearby parking garage and shredded flat, and a super long manny pad that is waxed to shit. After about an hour or so of this. We went to my favourite restaurant in London, "Prince Albert's". It's so good, and they know my order. Chick Souvlaki.  So good. Anyways, that place is always number one to end a session with. After this, came home, had a few drinks, got a bit loose, and hung out playing Skate on the xbox.

I'll be coming home this weekend, and am looking forward to it, yet not looking forward to it in the same way. We will see how it goes...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

daily shit...

Well, today could have gone a bit better, but all in all, I'm not too upset. I messed up with school, and so I will have to start it again next September. I don't think I was ready for school anyways. Not for me. The good news is that I have a new camera. I bought a Bronica SQ-a with all the fixin's. I bought the fisheye, which has been on my list of items to buy for the past few years. It also came with the 50mm wide angle lens. Something I truly don't really need, but may end up using. It also came with a couple backs, as well as the waist level finder and prism. I also bought a negative scanner for when I actually do shoot film when the weather gets a bit better. 

I bought a flash online from BH photo, and so that is coming in...tomorrow...actually, so that's sick. Then this weekend, I am hopefully getting my 5th flash from a photographer in Toronto. I will be sending him the money for it tomorrow. So after getting these last 2 flashes, my camera gear will be 100% complete. Finally at where I want to be with my gear. 

Hopefully things will be on the rise this year. I will be shooting with an old friend this weekend. He wants to his the Fireman's Park rail, which to me, is friggen gnarly. But again, Matt Bujok is gnarly guy. Youtube him.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

daily shit...

Life has been going really well for me lately. After a long run of having some bad luck, it seems almost everything has turned around. Things like my old camera gear being stolen, both my pets running away, failing some classes in college because the professor didn't put the marks onto the schools system, and so on. The good luck started when I realized that my camera gear that had been stolen that it was covered by insurance. Once that came in, all good things started happening. Obviously with the money, I was able to buy the gear I needed, rather then the camera gear I could afford. I was able to pay off my car loan, as well as any debts I had were paid off. Me and my Dad seem to be a lot closer, which for me is a good thing because in my younger years we were never close. School has started this semester, and I plan to work excessively hard if need be. Also, a little bit ago, I was able to meet a photographer who I always look for in skateboarding magazines. Shane Hutton. He's a super chill guy. So that for me was a big deal. I am hoping that this will be the year I get a published photo. I still need to figure out my camera gear a bit better, and then, things will start rolling.

Monday, January 12, 2009

something new....

I have decided that I am going to make a post every single day on here. Could be able anything. As usual, I will try and post as many pictures as possible, but it's winter, and I'm not one for lugging my gear around all the time if I don't have to. I'm going to buy a little point and shoot for fun times, and whatnot. 

So look forward to daily posts on here.........

Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's been a slow winter

I know I haven't updated this in a while, but it was mainly due to the fact I didn't have any flashes, and was unable to shoot sequences since there is plenty of snow and salt on the ground. Recently though, I picked up some flashes from a photographer in Toronto, and am now able to shoot some pictures. There really isn't much to skate in London. This super long curb is in an underground parking lot. Dave and some friends waxed it up, and then tonight, myself and dave waxed it again. It's like butter. Anyways, now that I am able to shoot something, I may be able to post more pictures from time to time. Above, my buddy Dave is back 50-50ing the curb. It may look small, but its fairly hard to skate since the top of the curb isn't flat, so locking in to grind is super tricky. This is also my first photo with the new flashes that I have bought. I still need to get a feel for them, so don't judge this pic too much. Hopefully there will be a nice indoor park, or even better underground to skate soon, and quite possibly shoot some super good pictures. I hope everyones break went well!