Sunday, September 28, 2008

My New Home

 These are the homies
 Dave Ayres doin 360 Flips every try in the mini ramp
 Jay Chesterman - Pop Shuv down the Bell 12
 This is the worst skatepark ever made (Although the mini is there)
Here is Dave doin a large ollie over Ian
 Dave also has a lot of pop in his Back 180s

I know I haven't updated this in a while, but the internet at my place is weird when it comes to uploading pics onto this. Anyways, the deal is that since I'm living in London, I have had some time to shoot some pics, as well as have a blast skating. 

College is going well, although it seems that I already know the majority of the work that has been handed out. 

I recently had a dumbass injury where I bruised my heel while being "somewhat" intoxicated at a friends house. I'm not going to say how it happened since it was rather stupid. You will have to ask my neighbours. Anyways, long story short, I have a very seriously bruised heel, and I'll be off my board for a minimum a week. Which isn't too bad, but it could have been avoided.

Anyways, hopefuly I'll be able to update this with new pics as often as possible. Stop by from time to time.

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