Wednesday, July 21, 2010

tisk tisk niagara falls

A good friend to all of us has been banned from PUBLIC property. Do you find this fair? If you were told that you were no longer allowed to enjoy your life long hobby at the only place that it could be done safely, legally, and without fear of getting the boot from a local business, or if not worse, getting a ticket from police, what would you do, and how would you feel. Trevor Nedea, owner and operator of Antigravity Skateshop has been banned from the Niagara Falls PUBLIC skatepark. Reasons behind it are that he had allegedly served alcohol, vandalized the skatepark, and cerated a large mess which took over 2 hours to clean at an event which was attended by many friends and family members, along with skaters all over the city for Trevor's late father, Anthony. This is nothing but lies for a few simple reasons. Trevor Nedea, along with his mother do NOT drink alcohol. Any vandalism at the skatepark has been there since the day it opened up to the public with tons of VIDEO footage as proof to this graffiti. This so-called mess that took 2 hours to clean up is completely false. Garbage cans are provided on a day-to-day basis at the skatepark, and that they were used throughout the day. This ban is completely, and totally bogus. It is a public facility. This means that Trevor will once again, have to skate in the streets, and infront of businesses. Well then, lets see if he won't get a ticket for that! Plus, not to mention, I think the city would rather have him in a controlled environment, rather then a possible threat to businesses if he was to fall and break a bone. (Not like he would sue or anything, but businesses sure like to use that excuse)

If you wish to help in this cause, there are a few people you can email.

One person, is who is in charge of this. The more emails this person receives, the more likely they are to lift the ban.

Another person, who I have already emailed, is Steve Berra. Now, for every skater, they know who this is, but for those who don't, he helps run "The Berrics" which is a website for skateboarding, and he has helped with many causes in skateboarding, and I feel that if he were to receive enough emails, that he may want to take part in the initiative to help life the ban. His email is

If you wish to get involved with us, you can by joining our facebook group to get the ban lifted. Here is the link for the group.

Thanks for all of your help, and we really appreciate it. I will be posting updates for this as often as I can.

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