Sunday, April 13, 2008

The daily grind

Well, today was like any other day. Skated with some friends, had some fun, got my board destroyed by some asshole running over it. Yeah, I'm over it. Don't worry, I'm not gunna go on a rant about this asshole.

Anyways, we were skating this spot, and I was about to shoot some pics, but we got booted. We ended up at the skatepark, and since we don't get booted from there, I just decided to make the best of it and shoot some pics. Here are the shots I took tonight.

Pic 1 is of my homie Nate Jolley doin a steezy back smith. He just learnt these tonight, and officially has them on lock because Nate is an Asshole like that. The second shot is of Dyllan Nykyforak doing a front 5050. This is normally a warm up, but considering it was pitch black out, and blinding flashes were in his face, he still pulled it first try. The last pic is of Nate Jolley again doing a front feeb. I wanted to try some different styles of lighting, so I put my flashes in a random spot and that's how it turned out. I kinda like it.

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