Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Injuries again, and some photos from being immobilized

It's happened again. I am plagued with another knee injury. This time it was a "shinner" style incident with the board popping up and smoking my knee. This happened about 2 days ago, and it still hurts to do anything. I think I may have chipped the bone or something. All I know is that it is swollen quite large, and hasn't gone down in size.

Luckily, the bright side of this injury means that since I haven't been skating, I have been able to take more time to shoot photos. These were taken the other day at the skatepark. It hurt like hell to walk to around and set up the flashes, then walk to where I wanted to shoot the pics, but I got through it.

Everyone landed a bunch of tricks and it was fun solid day. Hopefully I'll be on a board by the end of the week.

Nate Jolley - Bluntslide
James Korten - Kickflip Back Lip
Trevor Nedea - Switch Heel Front Board
Trevor Rivard - Noseblunt Slide
Trevor Nedea - FS Nosegrind
Nate Jolley - Back Smith
Trevor Nedea - Ollie
Nate Jolley - Kickflip Back Lip
Nate Jolley - Kickflip

Trevor Nedea - Switch Front Board Shuv

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