Monday, July 27, 2009


It's been a while since I have been able to update my blog. Sorry! No wireless internet to steal, and no wireless router to make my internet wireless! Too much techie talk. Anyways...the joys of working 2 jobs, and one of those jobs being midnight shifts has left me no time to shoot many photos as of late. Kind of a bring down. My schedule consists of: 1. Wake up at 3PM. 2. Shower, eat a bowl of mini-wheats and ingest pills the size of your thumb by 4PM. 3. Drive to work through tourist traffic to be at work for 5. 4. Finish work at 10:30PM, then rush through more rush hour tourist traffic to make it to my second job for 11:00PM. 5. Work till 7, 8AM then go home to sleep. 6. REPEAT. The joys of life.

So, in some of the moments that I had some free time, I went to the park, and shot some photos on the rock beside the park with PJ. Here is a blunt fakie that is a lot harder then it looks.

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