Saturday, December 15, 2007


As we all know, this weekend is going to be a bad one in the eyes of a skateboarder. A large system packing a strong punch of 40cm or more of snow to the area. So far the system has just begun around the Niagara area, and will increase in strength throughout Saturday night, and will last throughout Sunday. This storm is sure to end skating for a bit, unless you have a large basement, garage, or know of any UGPs that you won't get kicked out of. Congratulations AGK rider Matt Bujok, your snow is finally here. I'm waiting on your funbox/rail set-up in your backyard to start the snowboard season for the fun night sessions. While the snow is on the ground, this is a great time to check out Antigravity Skateshop's website to keep the masses informed on any updates with the team, and for sneak peaks to our up-coming video "Butter on my Bread".

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