Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pre-Summer Jitters

Well, we are having this lovely short burst of warm weather, which certainly calls for skating. So far, each time I have gone out, the layers of rust are slowly falling off, and I am getting my tricks back, as well as learning new ones. Trevor and I were able to skate the Falls skatepark while I was down for a few days from London. That session lasted a few solid hours of non-stop manny pad skating. That was no doubt, the best day on a manny pad I have ever had. After the session, we went and chilled at the shop, then skated this guys barn sorta thing. Very simple with a box, flat bad, and a small drop, or transformable manny pad. Skated that till about 2:30 in the morning. Trevor and I were training our flatland by doing 10 tricks in a row of the same trick. We did this for a bunch of tricks. It was a super super fun session, but today, my legs are really sore.

The jitters part is that my right knee (the one I destroyed at the end of my part) has been acting up again, and really giving me a hard time by locking up, or just really hurting when doing simple movements. I have scheduled a doctor's appointment, and am hoping that my knee won't have any issues. I'll let you know how the tests go when I go for the appointment.

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