Sorry aboutt he other day. If you truly want to know what I did. I drove home, talked to my Mom, then went to my buddy Trevor Nedea's Skateshop. Here is the website for it.
Click Here. After chillin at the shop, we went to his house, played some online poker, where I got crushed since the wireless connection was garbage. We ended up going to the bar, having a drink, and some wings. They were actually really good. Not to mention helping Sasa out with his iPod mess.
Anyways, today, was once again, a simple day. I did however, buy a new camera bag for my film gear. I have 2 bags full of camera gear and couldn't be happier. Anyways, went to my buddy's skateshop again, chilled out and played some SKATE. Once that was over with, went to Trev's house where I watched "Borat" for the first time. Yes, I know it has been out for a substantially long time. I found it fairly funny, with a few thoughts of how he didn't get shot on MLK drive. Once the movie was over, our friend Matt Bujok came int eh door with his homie. I'm sorry, I forgot his name! Anyways, we went around the city scoping out spots to snowboard. We decided not to hit anything tonight since it was too snowy and that both my gear, and Trevor's gear would get messed up from the amount of snow. So we just sort of made plans for tomorrow to hit up a rather gnarly rail, which I may have photos for.
I might want to save them to see if any of Matt's sponsors may want them.
Check back tomorrow, or on Monday for another update on tomorrows session