Friday, January 30, 2009

sorry for the delay

Yes, I know I slacked HUGE on the daily update, but here is some good news. The next few days will back packed full of photos from some recent work I have done. So suck it!

If you trust want an update, this week, I did some job hunting, and went grocery shopping. The other day, I photographed a internet talk show called "Moc Talk". Check it out, it's pretty sick with live performances and whatnot. Today I went and photographed a few of the Dialogue Headwear guys at the McMaster snowboarding Jib Jam. Dialogue's very own Yuri Tereshyn took home first place respectively.

Here is a shot from one of the many gap to tricks that Yuri pulled on the kinked rail. This would be a "Shifty to front board" according to Yuri.

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