Wednesday, January 14, 2009

daily shit...

Well, today could have gone a bit better, but all in all, I'm not too upset. I messed up with school, and so I will have to start it again next September. I don't think I was ready for school anyways. Not for me. The good news is that I have a new camera. I bought a Bronica SQ-a with all the fixin's. I bought the fisheye, which has been on my list of items to buy for the past few years. It also came with the 50mm wide angle lens. Something I truly don't really need, but may end up using. It also came with a couple backs, as well as the waist level finder and prism. I also bought a negative scanner for when I actually do shoot film when the weather gets a bit better. 

I bought a flash online from BH photo, and so that is coming in...tomorrow...actually, so that's sick. Then this weekend, I am hopefully getting my 5th flash from a photographer in Toronto. I will be sending him the money for it tomorrow. So after getting these last 2 flashes, my camera gear will be 100% complete. Finally at where I want to be with my gear. 

Hopefully things will be on the rise this year. I will be shooting with an old friend this weekend. He wants to his the Fireman's Park rail, which to me, is friggen gnarly. But again, Matt Bujok is gnarly guy. Youtube him.

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