Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day 2 in Texas - Part 2

We showed up, and this is the Austin site. Its soo incredibly nice. I seriously want to move here, since Austin is so nice. Maybe in a few years...this way I'll be able to leave Niagara since Niagara sucks big time! I won't be posting many pics of inside the building due to privacy issues, but I will tell stories and whatnot.

Receptionist area
Yeah, they have a FULL gym in the building...This photo doesn't even show the full gym, no where near it.
Blood pressure machine...heck, you are bound to get at least 1 annoying customer that you want to kick in the nut sack
The break room...yeah, a sick pool table, pinball machine, and behind me were a bunch of vending machines

That neon light is basically from when Apple was first's an antique, and it still works...if you are an Apple fan, you basically must be drooling over this pic

Continued in part 3

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